Thursday, May 8, 2008

A message to Mr. Bek

Meow MeowMeowMeow Meow Meowwww. Meow MeowMeowMeow Meow Meowwww. Meow Meow MEOW meow meow meow Cris Bek. Meow MeowMeowMeow Meow Meowwwwwwwwwwww.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Whoa, check it out!

Hello kittens,

It has been a while. My friend started his blog today and it is funny. We like similar things so you can go back and forth. He doesn't like green foods, much like that guy in Green Eggs and Ham. Except if he was the main character the final page would have said, "Sam-I-Am, how many freakin' times do i have to tell you i don't want your moldy, green eggs?!" I would have to agree..yes, yes i would.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Comics - who needs art skills?

For those of you who don't already know, comics are awesome! Some of my favorite childhood memories are going through my brother's comic collection and reading through batman vs. clayface or the death of robin. Unfortunately, my skill set does not include art. I do remember getting a prize for best drawn picture in 2nd grade, but it's not too hard to beat a room of preschoolers. In any case, Comic Book Creator is pretty much the best program ever. You can take pictures and make your own comic. One of my brothers made some with X-Men figures doing weird things...weird, but hilarious. I decided to take a stab and make my own based on some friends' wedding, and yes, that is Rusty from Full House.

In case you're interested, here's what Rusty has been up to these days:

Monday, November 26, 2007

Brother > YouTube

So before the whole YouTube thing blew up, my brother had already started making awesome videos. This is one of our dad who decided to do some dancing while he was visiting in Vermont. I think he had too much maple syrup in his cereal that morning.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

3:17 PM

My dissertation is not working :( I can has cookie?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I made Gary Sullivan laugh

Okay, for those of you who may not know, Gary Sullivan hosts a radio talk show on home improvement. With all of the home improvement stuff the Mrs. and I are doing right now (i.e., nesting behaviors for you non-baby expecting people), I decided to stain my stairs...horribly bad as you can see above. I swear the color on the can is brown. So I called in the Gary Sullivan show and told him my situation, and that orange stairs would be good if I was running a circus in my sunroom, and he started laughing on air. I'm quite impressed with myself. Usually I'm only funny on xbox live.